Saturday, May 7, 2022


When I studied in Colombia for 2 years, in school I learn about soil and had to maintain our class allotment and decide what to produce of food or display of flowers analyzing the soil colour, components. 

I never noticed how fertile was the soil they had. I never bought a compost or fertilizer, we had cow rotations. I never saw paper poppies, I saw tons of real flowers. We had some mango trees and they produced every 6 months, there were no seasons, there was no winter rest. 

Colombia must be a farmer country, the soil richness they got is very special and many generations will feed and enjoy of it. 

Now, living in England I buy a banana from Africa and then a banana from Colombia; and I can feel the sweet richness of their soil; there is no comparison, I bet is even more nutritious the banana that comes from Colombia. 

Europe has long areas dedicated to grow grapes, the most grateful fruit that can grow in sand and poor nutrients soils; as far as it gets long summer days to the pick energy doesn't get from the roots from the sun. 
But yes, I am aware all that sand comes from ages of over-use of the land without resting nor recovery between one production and another; the dark humus soil is a layer that has been consumed and we had the next sand and the rocks only. 

 My grandparents both were farmers & cow farmers. The later seemed to be a better business. How good? well I know my mother on her 15th birthday, which is the most special of all in Colombia for a girl as is the age the woman raises from the girl - well my mum as birthday present got a young cow. And she sold it, and got enough money to go 1 month holiday in New York, staying in her auntie's house, in the time when fly was a luxury. 

 Any way, the cows were the fertilizer and the money maker, but we were talking about plants.. An even when I am not a farmer I am maintaining plants around me all the time. 

Plants are a special thing in my life I do care to have some around me always, they connect me to earth, they are beauty around me and I like to see then grow. and many people does have plants, but not many engage or gives meaning to them. 

Engage to care, but I don't care of plants that don't work; if they struggle is because my spots or water is not good for them; I let them go in peace and I try another plant, I am not stubborn with them, they decide their own existence and pleases. 

I planted an avocado pip and it did grow 20cm, then died, and I understand it wasn't a place for an avocado tree. I have seen avocado trees, they are tall and spiny and not for a plant pot inside a heated home. So this avocado helped to grow my understanding and acceptance of his circumstances. 

Richard planted a Pachypodium from Madagascar, from eBay seeds, it is a cactus with a palm looking leaves at the top of a long trunk body of spikes; and in 16 years - we have been married 16 years - it grow 1meter, is still growing and is very tall spiky and quite difficult o keep inside a home with kids, but still he has his safe spot where to keep going in my home. 
I am now trying not to have to many spiked plants, they create zones of cautiousness and no penetration at home; having 1 Pachypodium is enough. 

Currently I got Chinese money plants and they keep multiplying, I suppose that is why they were chosen to symbolize money growing. I do separate their new broths and give plant gifts to friends. They symbolize abundance , soo much that is enough even to share. 

 Ferns are quite a thing in my life too. Well they are the oldest and most ferocious survivors throw all ages in our history; they are a symbol of tenacity and capacity to overcome difficulties doesn't matter what. They reproduce with spores, they have no seeds and no flowers; just spores on the leaves. When living in Caracas, in my parents flat, we planted 4 ferns by the dinning room window, and they grow, to cover the view of outside, which was good in this case; my neighbors and us got more privacy. 

The thing is that I came to England and when I went back to visit my parents there, they were no there, none ferns; my mum told me that they died after I left; they missed me to that extent .. I have a fern now, and it grows to huge lion mane size and in 1 year I get a baby and start again. Is the focal point in my dinning table, their tenacity. 

Richard has some flowers which I didn't choose, they are usually not for indoors; most of the years is just green leaves, but then, they do huge amazing red flowers once a year; they have the capacity to amaze us. And amazing is something that needs to happen disperse, otherwise is not amazing, is normal. Yes this flowers are our amaizors. 

 I have Aloe Vera too, is not a pretty plant, but is soo useful; when I burn or sting or have any kind of skin accident, I cut 1 leave and put the clear crystal to heal me and reduce the pain; is great. Is even better if you eat it; but I could devour an Aloe Vera plant in 1 week and it doesn't grow that fast back; that will be like the children's tale when they killed the chicken of the golden eggs.. Aloe Vera is my healer. When I am sick I do smoody with 1 leave -is quite tasteless flavour but gluy texture in the palate, so I prefer to smoody mix it with banana & milk & strawberries - so is definitely not a culinary delicatesse, but it heals and is this plant's gift to help me heal my cells. 

I have a plant named "mother in law's tongue", is the kind named as "Structural plants" by garden designers; well mine is indoor, is smaller. But yes it has a structural vertical shape; its leaves from the floor to the highs, they grow long, straight up, towards the top always; I don't think it talks bad; I think she is the pride. Yes the pride, always facing up, pleased and satisficed of her own achieves, with dignity. Dignity is a goddess word I know, but there is a bit of god on all his creatures, and this plant remind us about its dignity & pried. 

I got a Christmas cactus, who is the last descendant from Richard's parents house plants. He is our ancestor presence. And every Christmas he brings many fuchsia flowers to our place, to contribute to the celebrations and the décor of this special time. I am sure our ancestors will be pleased we do remember and have a place for them in our home, and I am grateful of all they did, because even when this one is not my parent, is my husband's parents and they made possible him, who made possible us, who made possible our kids, and will keep making possible many more broths to come because I hope to have grandchildren and them to keep me in their home .. ups I may need to plant a plant for my rest, I mean for when I die to be kept by the next plant keepers of our home.