Saturday, June 4, 2022


One of the most valuables things my parents teach me was knitting. I did a table cloth knitting in the metro to the University for 3 years. Knitting is an art to develop patience; to relax and enjoy the moment and keep working. I hear so many bad news in the media, I do sometimes wonder if really the world is that bad, then I go to see the stadistics, numbers help me to be objective, and I see good numbers: the number of tree planted this year has raised, the number of deads due accidents keep falling, awareness about our environment, about our rights, about our duties keep raising I go to the street and I see my wheelie bins, and I still remember time ago they didn't exist and rubish was everywhere and nobody was thinking in it Then I realise that yes, we are taking more care than before for this planet and for everything else, Everything is better than before indeed, but then why the discontent? I believe people was not taught to knit, and want the world to be perfect tomorrow by a finger click. Then I go back to keep my daily knitting which is not with cotton now days, is talk, is walking, is working, is living. The real change is already happening every day, and is not fast, is not harch, is slow we are building endurance in all our homes.