Friday, August 3, 2018

New Baby shopping list

What I really need to buy to prepare to have my new baby?

It is a real list I did time ago for a friend, and I would like to share with any new mother. 
It is quite a good and comprehensive list as I wrote it just after my first kid experience.
Here you are,

Delivery days:

-1 packet of black panties for after delivery bleeding time (is like a very hard menstruation),default,pd.html?dwvar_LK2034_color=Black
-2 packets of maternity towels (they are thicker),default,pd.html
-2 night blouse-dress for the delivery day, with front buttons for breast feeding.
-shampoo, soap, the first shower after delivery is a great rest
-hair brush, hair tie, make up .. to go out of the hospital some pretty
-Vaseline: apply it in your nipples since now. to make strong the nipple skin. No problem if the baby soaks some Vaseline from the nipple. Find a video in youtube about how to breasthfeed-hold the baby, open his mouth big .. babies don't know how to get the milk out, they have to learn it in short time. That is why they loose weight the first days, and that is why many women develop mastitis if the baby doesn't extract the milk after several days trying (the milk gets off inside the breast and infects) .. that is why is good to have formula milk handy.

Changing nappies:

-bottom cream, always put it on to protect the skin,default,pd.html#q=sudocream
-1 bag of disposable nappies for new born size,default,pd.html. If you use disposable nappies you just need to change when pupu, or when the nappy gets too heavy of pi. Pipi doesn't irritate at all; pupu must be cleaned immediately because puts the skin red and sore immediately.
-plastic bags to put the nappies in.
-1 packet of wet baby tissues,default,sc.html
-1 change mat, or some plastic mattress where to put the baby and change the nappy,default,pd.html

A place where to change nappies: needs to be at a table height, needs to have something soft where to lay the baby and some plastic cover in case the pupu squeezes out and you need to clean the surface, also
You can put a big bagged bin outside the house just by outside the window where to throw away nappies and don't feel the smell in the house.
Also you need close a laundry bag to store the dirty clothes and the baby clothes handy for picking.

Hot weather:
-baby sun block,default,pd.html
-1 fabric soft hat
-1 fan. Babies don't sweet or shake, their body temperature doesn't self-regulate. I think 19 degrees is the ideal for a baby room.

Cold weather:
-3 wrapping blankets (if 1 gets vomited you have another clean)


Baby scratches:
-mittens, the nails of a baby are very sharp, he can scratch all his face easy
-paper nail file: to cut the baby nails


My daughter didn't like bathing, she liked showers .. so one of us holded her in the shoulder and the other pass her in and out
- thick towel to dry easy
- Shampoo-soup, used this:,default,pd; but the first days just water.
- if you do bath, some moms put Johnson’s baby oil in the water



- 1 big rectangle pillow, I carried the baby over the pillow everywhere in the house. A normal big pillow helps reaching your breast height without bending your back or having bad positions to your back.
- 1 baby bottle (250ml to start) (for formula milk or for water). Some doctors told me to avoid to give the baby water so she will eat more milk that is equally liquid and more nutritive; but in hot weather you may need to give water.,default,pd.html
- 1 pot of baby formula milk (just in case, even if you have decided to just breast feed, have 1 pot in case of emergencies if the breast fails you will have food).,default,pd.html
- 1 microwave sterilizer. You put in this the bottle or the dummy and in 1 min is sterilized. Babies have no body defense to microbes like us. It is like a big plastic plate with lid:,default,pd.html#avtc=fb725a730fc912eae03f198a6508f71a


For sleeping:

-2 waterproof sheets:,default,pd.html
-wrapping blanket or cover
-1 pacifier: a dummy just in case the baby needs it to settle down to sleep; some babies do need it.
Nothing around to distract, not toys, not music.. So the baby can sleep
-a small bed or basket with mattress close to your bed. Or in your bed if you are not someone that turns lots in bed so than can fall sleep over the baby by mistake, lots of people said it was a mistake, but I did it to have some further sleep; however with a baby in your arms you won't ever sleep properly deep, an unconscious bit of you keeps checking all the night if the baby is ok.
I had a basket, but Emily grow and it was not suitable after 3 months.
-a comfy sofa where to sit and breast feed, in good posture position for your back, and without danger of falling the baby if you are semi-asleep.
The sofa must be close to the changing nappy place. Because after feeding there is always a pu.


-infacol for colics
-paracetamol for pains and temperatures
- thermometer
-1 syringe (use it to give the medicines easy)


Teeth (3+ months)
- 1 teeth gel,default,pd.html
- 1 teeth toy,default,pd.html#q=teething


7 baby suits (~pyjamas) with buttons in front.. Don’t get size 0 more than 1, it is only usable for the 1st week, then they grow. They usually get dirty only if the pupu squeezes out or with milk vomit (white)
-muslim cloth for cleaning milk vomit

Babies don't play at all before 3 months, so no need of toys.
If you want to stimulate the baby, black-white images, soft music, cuddling his finger or tummy, a bath, talking to him so he recognizes your  voice, a push chair trip and feeling the air and the trees sounds, .. are enough discovery.


-push chair (new born  go horizontal, after 3 months they go semi sit position)
-car sit
-1 big light bag for you to carry staff. Lots of staff.

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