Monday, April 6, 2020

Corona Virus day 07 April 2020

I go for a small jog every morning, and people is doing their social distancing very well in our neighborhood --or I go to early and everybody is sleeping.

Our postman is the same guy as ever, so he is still healthy, and I can wave and see him by the window carrying less packages every day; people is also getting less silly deliveries; and we are getting less advertisement papers too which is good -people is thinking in the postman.

In our daily Raleigh Park round family walk, by the entrance someone has put a note about 10 fluffy toys (villains) to be spot whilst we walk which are nice to spot.
And we haven't mannish to leave gates open at our end as they do at the top end, so that people doesn't have to keep touching gates to open and close .. someone keeps closing them at our end  for some reason.

Our neighbors never talked to us, but yesterday one asked us by the garden if we wanted to have a football table game for Max and we got it and disinfected it .. and is the first time they talk to us this year! which is a nice change.

The other side neighbors are a retired couple, who stopped talking to us because I built a bike shed in the front which obstructed their view of the road -which I cannot undo now, it was a big paid job and is brick made-
well, they are working on the garden all day and also talked to us because we have a badger passing throw our gardens and digging out and eating our tulip bulbs. Hurray for the badger!

"Meatmaster" is the best supplier we can get home delivery around.
But I also have a Tesco collection to pick in a week time at 8PM for paquet supplies .. a friend told me Tesco is doing it in the car park very fast and safe; someone puts 1 cardboard box into your boot and bye.. I haven' done it yet.

We have sorted milk & bread: I bought 2 big 900 grms cans of "Nestle Nido powder milk" in Amazon and we make our jar of milk at home every day; it tastes good.
And Emily has been baking scones, which is our bread and she makes them gluten free.

We are cooking a lot.
The schools were feeding our kids before a big part of the day; and also our work cafeteria was feeding us; but now all our meals are home made.

Everything is possible online, but is too much screen time for all
 .. so Richard has put the trampoline in the garden, and I made up pass the ball games to teach more Spanish to the kids whilst jumping.
Also I have Max into street dance now, and Emily into song quizes with Alexa; is amazing how she knows all those song names; she always plays 2010's songs.

Richard has re-painted all the house walls in white indoors with paint that was left in the loft.

Emily draw a beautiful rainbow and we hanged it in the from door extension side. Walking by the streets seems like none one is inside, now it looks more like there is people inside hoping for the virus to go away soon.

Whatsapp is our phone all day, so I can talk and see my parents and brother daily in their respective countries. And some of my 100 other family members from Colombia more regularly.

I see the 5 PM news only every day in the BBC corona virus review.
But really Facebook has been taking for "news" place .. is difficult to disconnect from reading Facebook

The worst place with the pandemic seems to be Ecuador Guayaquil city, they are not even counting and have to leave the corpses in the streets.. very well organised society.

I hope the virus doesn't reach the little retirement town where my parents are in Colombia, because they travel every month to Bogota city to visit the doctor, there is no much health service local. The virus could exterminate those small towns.


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