Tuesday, January 31, 2023



.. is this feeling of being in between.

Helping who didn't ask for help,

thinking on who didn't want to be think of,

talking to who doesn't want to hear but just to be heard by the walls,

the privacy of the walls is missed ..

Why do I care?

why not to limitate my thoughts to my place and my people.

Can my care & my thoughts be any help?; or is just noise interference on others life.

If something is hard to adapt is our natural self to get away of their heart:

hearty for so many people can turn your own heart to wonder and suffer as if others hearts were mine.

Strange pursue of mine and impossible path to continue in any acceptable way.

Rude, rude indeed to my soul not to place the limit wall were to enclose my thoughts and hold them from wonder if I could help

Helping is a deep need, like give and solve. 

Perhaps too many superhero movies have affected my brain; or just a puzzle game I started long ago and still cannot untangle how to get an intimate friend their unicorm back.

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